

Getting Started

There are two ways to hold Sailfish:

  • Test Project
  • Library (that may or may not depend on a test project)

Test Project

When you install the Sailfish TestAdapter nuget package, you can write and run Sailfish tests directly from the IDE as if it were a test project using xUnit or NUnit. This is a great way to get started with Sailfish and get it integrated into your workflow.


If you don't need a test project, then your application can install the Sailfish nuget package. The library exposes various tools as well as an entry point into the Sailfish execution program. This entry point requires an IRunSettings, which can be created using the RunSettingsBuilder.

You can optionally place your tests in a separate project, which installs the test adapter. When your application's main project depends on the test project, you get access to the Sailfish library.

When To Use Sailfish