



SailDiff is a tool for running automated before & after statistical testing on Sailfish tracking data.

When enabled, tracking data will be used for comparison to the current run and will produce various measurements describing the difference between two runs for each available test case. Depending on how you run Sailfish, SailDiff will presents its results either via StdOut, a test output window, or via an output file.

Enabling / Configuring SailDiff

If using Sailfish as a test project, you can create a .sailfish.json file in the root of your test project (next to your .csproj file). This file can hold various configuration settings. When found, SailDiff will be automatically run. If any compatible setting is omitted, a sensible default will be used.

Example .sailfish.json

"SailfishSettings": {
"DisableOverheadEstimation": false,
"NumWarmupIterationsOverride": 1,
"SampleSizeOverride": 30
"SailDiffSettings": {
"TestType": "TTest",
"Alpha": 0.005,
"Disabled": false
"ScaleFishSettings": {},
"GlobalSettings": {
"UseOutlierDetection": true,
"ResultsDirectory": "SailfishIDETestOutput",
"DisableEverything": false,
"Round": 5



Description: Specifies an enum type for a statistical test. One of:

  • TwoSampleWilcoxonSignedRankTest
  • WilcoxonRankSumTest
  • KolmogorovSmirnovTest
  • TTest (Default)


Description: Threshold for significance detection. (Aka 'PValue threshold').

Default: 0.005


Description: Disable SailDiff

Default: false

Example IDE Output

Statistical Test
Test Used: TTest
PVal Threshold: 0.005
PValue: 0.0528963431
Change: No Change (reason: 0.0528963431 > 0.005)
| | Before (ms) | After (ms) |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Mean | 61.7671 | 55.0063 |
| Median | 62.3821 | 56.1542 |
| Sample Size | 30 | 30 |


Display NameMeanBefore (N=7)MeanAfter (N=7)MedianBeforeMedianAfterPValueChange Description
Example.Test()190.78 ms191.35 ms187.689 ms186.9367 ms0.89023No Change

The Mean and median are both presented alongside a PValue and Change description. The PValue is returned from the statistical test and compared to a user-set threshold to determine the change description.


You may use the RunSettingsBuilder to configure SailDiff before running.

var settings = new SailfDiffSettings(
alpha: 0.001,
round: 3,
useOutlierDetection: true,
testType: TestType.TTest,
maxDegreeOfParallelism: 4,
disableOrdering: false);
var settings = RunSettingsBuilder

Customizing the SailDiff inputs

By default, Sailfish will look for the most recent file in the default tracking directory when you execute a test run via a console app.

The flow of the analysis is

  1. Program Execution
  2. TestCaseCompletedNotification
  3. TestRunCompletedNotification
  4. BeforeAndAfterFileLocationRequest
  5. ReadInBeforeAndAfterDataRequest
  6. Saildiff

This flow shows that there are two points at which you can minipulate the data inputs:

  • IRequestHandler<BeforeAndAfterFileLocationRequest, BeforeAndAfterFileLocationResponse>
  • IRequestHandler<ReadInBeforeAndAfterDataCommand, ReadInBeforeAndAfterDataResponse>

Reading Tracking Data from a Custom Location

internal class SailfishBeforeAndAfterFileLocationHandler
: IRequestHandler<BeforeAndAfterFileLocationCommand, BeforeAndAfterFileLocationResponse>
private readonly ITrackingFileDirectoryReader trackingFileDirectoryReader;
public SailfishBeforeAndAfterFileLocationHandler(
IRunSettings runSettings,
ITrackingFileDirectoryReader trackingFileDirectoryReader)
this.trackingFileDirectoryReader = trackingFileDirectoryReader;
this.runSettings = runSettings
public Task<BeforeAndAfterFileLocationResponse> Handle(
BeforeAndAfterFileLocationCommand request,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var trackingFiles = trackingFileDirectoryReader
ascending: false);
// Consider reading data from a:
// - database
// - cloud storage container
// - cloud log processing tool
// - network drive
// - local directory
return Task.FromResult(new BeforeAndAfterFileLocationResponse(
new List<string>() { trackingFiles.BeforeFilePath }.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)),
new List<string>() { trackingFiles.AfterFilePath }.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x))));

Reading Tracking Data that you wish to aggregate prior to testing

internal class SailfishReadInBeforeAndAfterDataHandler
: IRequestHandler<ReadInBeforeAndAfterDataCommand, ReadInBeforeAndAfterDataResponse>
public async Task<ReadInBeforeAndAfterDataResponse> Handle(
ReadInBeforeAndAfterDataCommand request,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// When you return the data, you are also required to
// provide an IEnumerable<string> that represents the files that were used.
return new ReadInBeforeAndAfterDataResponse(
new TestData(dataSourcesBefore, beforeData),
new TestData(dataSourcesAfter, afterData));

If you inspect the TestData source code, you will find that it takes an IEnumerable of test Ids, which are intended for you to keep track of which processed files were used in the statistical test.

SailDiff will automatically aggregate data when multiple files are provided.

Which SailDiff Test should I use?

When customizing the TestSettings TestType (either via .sailfish.json or RunSettingsBuilder), you have three options to choose from.

You can follow this rule of thumb when choosing:

if (your test makes requests over a network):
One of:
- TwoSampleWilcoxonSignedRankTest
- WilcoxonRankSumTest
- KolmogorovSmirnovTest
- TTest