


Sailfish is the performance test runner. Tests are implemented using Sailfish attributes and timed execution results can be written to StdOut or various file formats.

Different outputs are availabe depending on where you use Sailfish as test project or a class library.

Test Project

When used as a test project, you can run Sailfish tests directly from the IDE - similar to how you might run an NUnit or xUnit test.

Test Project / IDE

If using Sailfish as a test project, you can create a .sailfish.json file in the root of your test project (next to your .csproj file). This file can hold various configuration settings. If any compatible setting is omitted, a sensible default will be used.

Example .sailfish.json

"SailfishSettings": {
"DisableOverheadEstimation": false,
"NumWarmupIterationsOverride": 1,
"SampleSizeOverride": 30
"SailDiffSettings": {
"TestType": "TTest",
"Alpha": 0.005,
"Disabled": false
"ScaleFishSettings": {},
"GlobalSettings": {
"UseOutlierDetection": true,
"ResultsDirectory": "SailfishIDETestOutput",
"DisableEverything": false,
"Round": 5

⚠️ If you are using Jetbrains Rider - you will need to enable VS Test Adapter Support

In contrast to test frameworks natively supported by JetBrains Rider, tests from VSTest adapters are only discovered after test projects are build.


A run will produce the following result in the test output window:

Descriptive Statistics
| Stat | Time (ms) |
| --- | --- |
| Mean | 62.411 |
| Median | 62.986 |
| StdDev | 1.4544 |
| Min | 59.8693 |
| Max | 63.4148 |
Outliers Removed (0)
Distribution (ms)
59.8693, 62.5765, 62.986, 63.4148, 63.2082

These are the basic descriptive statistics describing your Sailfish test run. Persisted outputs (such as markdown or csv files) will be found the output directory in the calling assembly's /bin folder.


Running Sailfish as a library can be done like so:

using Sailfish;
var settings = RunSettingsBuilder.CreateBuilder().Build();
await SailfishRunner.Run(settings);



Display NameMeanMedianStdDev (N=5)Variance
Example.Minimal()62.410959999999996 ms62.986 ms1.4544239763562794 ms2.115349103000011


Output Attributes